No Account Credentials Needed, UpAutomate Works with Just Your Public Details!



Secure High-Paying Clients

Before Anyone Else!

Unlock exclusive, premium job opportunities in
real-time, skyrocketing your earnings.

*No credit card required



How It Works


Step 1

Get Started in 10 mins with

AI Setup Wizard


Setup within 10 minutes with our AI Wizard which reads your Upwork Profile description and creates a Personalized job feed, it then allows you to customize scoring criteria, and include additional keywords, filters, and more.


Step 2

Get Notifications for

Custom Alerts

That’s it, you’re all done, Setup Your Notification settings to get exactly the kind of Job Alerts you need. Specify in detail client quality and job quality requirements.

Step 3

Boost Your Upwork Success with

Competitor Insights

Master your Upwork freelancing career with valuable competitor insights that help you refine your services, adjust pricing, and improve your marketing. By understanding your competitors’ strategies and strengths, you can identify market gaps, stay ahead of trend.

Step 4

Unlock Your Upwork Potential with

Jobs Insights

Unlock your Upwork potential by analyzing job insights. Understanding job trends and requirements helps you tailor your skills, increase visibility, and apply for the right projects, boosting your chances of success.

Key Features


Lighting Fast Setup with AI Wizard. No Learning Curve.


Sync Upwork Jobs With Keywords or Saved Searches


AI Questions: Ask Natural Language Questions from a Job & get an Alert.


Chain multiple conditions together with boolean logic and create complex job alert criteria.


Notification Setup, Get the most advanced Upwork job alert system on the planet


One Job Feed to rule them all relevant jobs filtered, scored, and updated in real-time. No refresh is required.

Real Time Alerts
0 /7
More Exposure to Opportunities
0 X
Better Chances of Conversion due best matches
0 X
Chances of Missing Out High Ticket Clients
100 %

Pricing & Plans



Perfect for testing out the tools


14 Days Free Trial


Perfect for experienced freelancers


Freelancer Pro

Perfect for freelancers with high jobs



Ideal for agencies on Upwork



Perfect for testing out the tools



Perfect for experienced freelancers


Freelancer Pro

Perfect for freelancers with high jobs



Ideal for agencies on Upwork



Perfect for testing out the tools



Perfect for experienced freelancers


Freelancer Pro

Perfect for freelancers with high jobs



Ideal for agencies on Upwork


Benefits for Freelancers / Agencies

UpAutomate For Agencies

For agencies managing multiple profiles and teams, UpAutomate takes it further by optimizing the job-hunting process across your entire team. Some agency-specific advantages are:


UpAutomate For Freelancers

Unlike typical keyword-based job alert apps, UpAutomate leverages multiple job attributes—such as hourly rate, job title, skills, category, project length, and more—to deliver highly tailored job alerts as soon as they appear.

Meet Our Founder


Founder's Message

As freelancers, we pour our energy into perfecting our craft, but finding the right opportunities often feels like a second job. Hours spent sifting through job posts, refreshing feeds, vetting clients, and chasing premium opportunities can drain even the most passionate among us.
I built UpAutomate to change that. This isn’t just a tool; it’s your competitive edge on Upwork—a smart assistant working 24/7 to surface the best opportunities tailored to you. No more endless scrolling or missed chances. With UpAutomate, you can focus on what truly matters: doing incredible work and growing your business.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Answer: Yes, UpAutomate is perfect for freelancers who prefer a more passive approach. It takes care of the entire job hunting process, including client vetting, so you only need to apply to jobs that are highly tailored to your specific preferences.
Answer: UpAutomate goes beyond Upwork’s saved search feeds by intelligently scoring each job based on the quality of the client and the job itself, according to criteria that you define. You can customize your job feed and notifications based on these scores. Additionally, UpAutomate offers advanced features such as tagging jobs based on custom conditions and more.
Answer: No, UpAutomate does not connect to your Upwork account. During setup, it only reads your Upwork profile description and uses AI to better understand your skills. Your account remains completely safe and unaffected.
Answer: It can be as Smart as you plus it works 24/7 and does’nt get tired.The intuition behind building UpAutomate was to create an Intelligent Business development manger that truly understands your requirements and client persona types you look for and then imitate that behavior to be on the lookout for those kind of jobs. Using Generative AI we’re able to achieve this. You can literally provide natural language instructions to your Upautomate bot and it listens to you.
Answer: UpAutomate operates independently and is not officially affiliated with Upwork. However, our background as a top-rated plus agency on Upwork has given us deep insights into the platform’s nuances, particularly in business development. This experience is at the core of UpAutomate, allowing us to tailor our services to the specific needs and challenges faced by freelancers and agencies on Upwork.
Answer: For anyone looking to explore investment options with UpAutomate, we welcome your interest! Please get in touch with our support team at for more information and to discuss potential opportunities. We’re excited about the prospect of growing together!

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