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One Job Feed to rule them all relevant jobs

With UpAutoamte Feeds, not only do you get the power of Advance Filters but you don’t even have to refresh feeds, apply different keywords, etc. You can get 1 feed that syncs all relevant jobs in real time. From there you can apply advanced Validation Filters & Client Filters to it. This feed is also a great way to analyze market dynamics.
UpAutomate feed is basically all your job searches consolidated into a single, streamlined feed, providing a clean, functional interface to manage opportunities.
You can apply advanced Client Filters on top of this feed to only view the jobs that meet your client’s expectations.
But the most important filters are the validation filters where you can filter the jobs by Score or Flags.
You can set custom conditions, and apply flags to it, which you can later use in the feed to select or discard jobs.